Request for help: CSS stuff

Dear reader,

I'd really appreciate it if you can help me with the following thing.

I need to improve the visual balance this blog with the hope of seeing an improvement of the level of interactivity. I was thinking of moving some widgets to the right. Those widgets also should be hidden initially, and there will floating tabs, one for each widget. I hope the following figure illustrates my point.

By clicking the tab, the widget will displayed, also floating on the page. Additionaly, scrolling the page wouldn't change the location where the widget (and the tabs) are displayed on the screen. Another requirement is: only one of those tabs can have its widget displayed at a time.

I've been trying to look for the answers in some CSS / web-design / blogger tricks sites, no result so far. I mean, I was not sure what the correct search expression would be.

If you have some clues please drop me a comment. Thanks in advance.