Cataroo Presentation – Part 2 – Test cases

Here it is, part 2 of the presentation about Cataroo. In this part I explain a couple of points related to defining test-cases for the sample application (callback). While I’m at it, I also touch a couple of relevant points about the design of the sample application. I believe, to excel, a Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET), just like his SDE counterpart, has to have a firm knowledge of software design. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this part!

That stylistic figurine in the video-still is wayang (shadow puppet, a form of art spread throughout Asia. It flourishes especially in Java and Bali).

Just came to know a couple of days ago (from youtube) a very cool group based in the US that innovates on wayang, ShadowLight Productions. Thirty years perfecting the techniques, onward. That is dedication. I invite you to check out one of their works, Ambrosia of Immortality.

The short clips I used in my video are Punjabi songs I like a lot (for the beat & also for the dancing):

Ok, back to tech topic :), just realized that this small series of presentations about Cataroo is actually what I had in mind for segment 2 of my IMS video-series.