Progress on VoiceXML autotest using Bladeware

This is a continuation of this entry:

So, today I managed to get BladewareVxml running, tested with two samples vxml provided by BladewareVxml: helloworld.vxml and inline_grammar.vxml. The whole set of projects (bladeware, pcre, curl, xerces, spidermonkey) is also updated, and uploaded to, here:

If you want to get them compiled and work with them on your PC, you will need Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Just unpack the the file in C:\ (using 7-zip), and set the following environment variables:
  • BW_CURLDIR = C:\BladewareProject\curl-7.18.0
  • BW_JSDIR = C:\BladewareProject\bwjs-1.61.3
  • BW_PCREDIR = C:\BladewareProject\pcre-7.1
  • BW_VXMLDIR = C:\BladewareProject\bladeware-vxml
  • BW_XERCESDIR = C:\BladewareProject\xerces-c-src_2_8_0
Just open C:\BladewareProject\bladeware-vxml\vxml\BladewareVXML.sln on your Visual Studio 2010, and we will be on the same page. Just press Ctrl-F5 to start debugging.

Now, the samples vxml are available under C:\BladewareProject\bladeware-vxml\vxml\samples\ . Just copy them to your favorite webserver . In my case I copied them to my Jetty webserver under C:\jetty-distribution-9.0.2.v20130417\webapps\ROOT\samples , so those vxmls are accessible through the web under http://localhost:8080/samples/

The launcher of this Bladeware Vxml is available in the project named "client" (already set as the default StartUp project), a cpp file named runvxml.cpp. It takes various arguments for the execution, which you can set by: right-clicking on the project named ("client") >  Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging > field named Command Arguments. Currently its value is: -config C:\BladewareProject\bladeware-vxml\vxml\etc\bvxml\runvxml_test.cfg -url  http://localhost:8080/samples/inline_grammar.vxml -channels 1 -calls 1

Now, from the execution of those 2 samples, what did we obtain? Hints to where we could possibly put our hooks. Have a look at these two screenshots. The next task would be to hunt down where those lines (marked with yellow box) are printed from. Those lines correspond to the events we're interested in.

I will be able to continue working on this next weekend. So, if you want to beat me to it before then, please do (and please share your findings). In the meantime I will be working on to get Pentaho BI stack running on my PC, part of my foray to big data analytics efforts :). Cya!